Live From the Toyota Center in Houston, Texas
September 2, 2010

(The camera pans inside the American Airlines Arena as the capacity crowd chants "AOW." Fans hold their signs up proudly before the cameras in an attempt to be seen across the world on national television. After 10 seconds of face time for the fans, the camera fades out once again as a video starts to play on the AOW-Tron set to the tune of "The Good Life" by Three Days Grace." The music picks up at :22.)

The good life is what I neeeeeeeed!
(Brandon $. Yelder is shown seated at his desk.)
Too many people stepping over meeeeeeee!
(B.B. Blayze is shown standing on the second rope with his arms in the air.)
The only thing that's been on my miiiiiind...
(Chaos Kid is seen sitting and plotting.)
Is the one thing I need before I diiiiiiiie!
(Jacob "Ace" Davis is shown playing with his faux hawk with FIST in the background.)
All I want...
(Double Trouble closes his hand to make a fist.)
Is a little of the good life!
(Morgan McAlister poses in the middle of the ring with the Pure Championship.)
All I neeeeeeeeed...
(Big Bad Nardie flips in the air.)
Is to have a good time!
(Veesh Man, Ty Washington, and Nick Hrebien stand at the top of the ramp.)
Oooooooooh! The good life!
(The Young Punks stand back to back.)
All I want...
(Greg Thomas puts on his sunglasses with Nick Diamond directly behind.)
Is a little of the good life!
(Marcus K. Yelder and Carolin hug one another.)
All I neeeeeeeeed...
(Terrell Yelder stands tall at the entrance ramp.)
Is to have a good time!
(Taker of Darkness scores with Darkness Falls.)
Oooooooooh! The good life!
(The Guy holds the AOW World Championship overhead.)

(Pyro shoots across the ramp, exploding colors of blue, white, and gold signifying the start of AOW's hottest Thursday night program, NRG! The crowd is on their feet screaming as the camera pans along their faces. After some more face time, the camera settles at ringside, on a shot of Justin St. Johns and Nikki Knox.)

Nikki Knox: Back from the spot of X-Cage, we are live in Houston, Texas for more AOW NRG! Welcome to Alpha and Omega Wrestling's flagship production!

Justin St. Johns: I am Justin St. Johns, and she is Nikki Knox. Tonight is A Random Act!

Nikki Knox: For those unfamiliar, tonight...all the matches will be announced immediately before they occur! Every AOW superstar will be featured tonight and no man will be left behind! Thankfully for the champions, no titles will be on the line, however, they will all see action!

Justin St. Johns: And that's a plus considering that all three of our champions went through tough competiton on pay-per-view. Our new AOW Pure Champion, "Mr. Macho" Morgan McAlister defeated three men in an elimination style fatal four way match!

Nikki Knox: That's right. And our new AOW Intercontinental Champion, the Taker of Darkness, won his crown by climbing to new heights in the Ultimate X Match!

Justin St. Johns: Let's not forget about our main event from X-Cage!

Nikki Knox: How could we? The match was in the name of the show! X-Cage saw The Guy and Greg Thomas beat each other all around the cage and even outside before finally The Guy retained the most coveted prize in the game...the AOW World Championship!

Justin St. Johns: Tonight will definitely be exciting as AOW presents to you as well as its superstars...A RANDOM ACT!

Nikki Knox: I can't wait!

(The camera catches all members of Team Nemesis in their personal locker room. Hrebien paces back and forth, while Veesh Man, Ty Washington, and Big Bad Nardie sit. Kid Kronic is seen on the phone.)

President Nick Hrebien: Listen guys, X-Cage was supposed to belong to Team Nemesis. Instead it was over shadowed by one loss. Myself and Kronic have provided you with world class training partners, a state of the art facility, and fortunes just to be called the best. Now after the pay per view I sat down and contemplated what we need to do to be such.

(Hrebien strokes his chin before presuming. He stops pacing to look at his team.)

President Nick Hrebien: I need you guys to give all you have to being champions. I don’t want to see you stop till you have that gold around your waist, and tonight that dedication starts. I really don’t have much else to say.

(Hrebien exits the room as all members resume activities as the camera switches.)

Bedlam (70) and Sexy 13 (24) defeats Chuckie The Drunk (14) and Dirk Landers (42)

Nikki Knox: And just like that we are underway! Big tag team victory for Bedlam and Sexy 13

Justin St. Johns: If that's a sign of things to come, tonight will definitely be inpressive!

(The camera goes from ringside to Brandon $. Yelder’s office, showing Yelder going through his desk trying to find something when his assistant knocks on the door.)

Assistant: Sir, there’s someone here who would like to speak to you if you’re not busy.

Brandon $. Yelder: Well, who is it? Ah…how fitting? How ironic?

(The camera shows Donnie Turner, in full ring gear, standing in the doorway.)

"The Gatekeeper" Donnie Turner: I would love to know why it’s ironic that one of your biggest stars showing up to your office right now. I mean I think it’s everything but ironic.

(Yelder is still searching through his desk when he finds what he's looking for. He pulls out a manila folder that reads "D. Turner.”)

Brandon $. Yelder: Gotcha. Donnie, how long have we known each other?

"The Gatekeeper" Donnie Turner: What’s this have to do with me and the problem I have? I came here to ask you I could get the first shot at Morgan McAlister’s Pure title. I think I’ve stayed far away from the title picture for too long and now I’m going for a different breed of cat so to say.

Brandon $. Yelder: Donnie, I have a problem too. See I’ve had this in my possession since you came back in March. I’ve waited for the right time to give it to you, but I want you to make sure that no one else is to see what’s inside, understand?

(Yelder hands the manila folder to a very confused Donnie.)

"The Gatekeeper" Donnie Turner: Sure. Whatever you say.

Brandon $. Yelder: So how long have we known each other?

"The Gatekeeper" Donnie Turner: I guess a little over two years. Why does that matter now?

Brandon $. Yelder: Trust me, the answer lies in that folder.

"The Gatekeeper" Donnie Turner: So, what about my title shot?

Brandon $. Yelder: I'll let you know next week. And Donnie, make sure no one is to see what’s inside but you. Got it?

"The Gatekeeper" Donnie Turner: Yeah, no problem.

(Donnie walks out the door as the camera follows him. The door shuts behind him as he opens the folder right outside B$Y's door. The camera gets in front of him and shows what looks like to be the back of a photo.)

"The Gatekeeper" Donnie Turner: What’s so damn…

(Donnie’s face is in shock.)

"The Gatekeeper" Donnie Turner: Holy shit! Now I know why he didn’t want anyone else to know.

(Donnie puts the item back in the folder and walks away, while the camera goes to ringside.)

Terrell Yelder (82) defeats Adam Radd (50)

Justin St. Johns: Terrell Yelder rolls on, defeating FIST memeber Adam Radd

Nikki Knox: Yelder has been hit and miss as of late, but we all know that when motivated, Terrell can be one of the most dangerous in this company and become a viable championship threat!

Justin St. Johns: Here's hoping that we see that side of the most entertaining man in virtual sports entertainment today.

(The camera switches to the ring and “Devil in a Midnight Mass” hits as The AOW enforcer The Overtaker makes his way into the ring.)

Justin St. Johns: And there he is! The AOW Enforcer, The Overtaker!

Nikki Knox: He was in full force at X-Cage! Let’s see what he has to say here tonight!

(The Overtaker walks into the ring and picks up a mic. He looks unusually happy.)

The Overtaker: I’d like to start off by congratulating the NEW AOW IC Champion… Taker of Darkness!

(The crowd erupts.)

Justin St. Johns: ToD did win the Intercontinental Title at X-Cage, but not without help!

Nikki Knox: Not without opposition either!

The Overtaker: Week after week I listen to you to tell me to “try something” telling me “I don’t have any true power.” Well Nick, I proved you wrong at X-Cage, and I WILL NOT hesitate to do so again. But just as a little reminder let’s take a look at what happened.

(Highlights from the Ultimate X match are shown. The footage is in slow motion. Nick Hrebien is climbing in the ring and The Overtaker gores him right out of it.)

The Overtaker: Look at that impact! Ouch, Nick I know that must have hurt. That aside, I helped ToD take out the rest of your Nem-goons too. I told Nardie at Beyond Belief that if any of Nem walked down that ramp, I would come in and cost him his title match. I only assumed that Ty would know the same applied for him. And the best part Nick, all of it was B$Y approved!

(“Don’t Tread On Me” by 311 hits and Nick Hrebien walks to the top o the ramp being flanked by the members of Nemesis.)

President Nick Hrebien: How dare you! How dare you even touch the President of AOW! How dare you touch his advisor, the legend Kid Kronic! And HOW DARE YOU come out here tonight and run your mouth!

(As Nick continues to talk he slowly advances to the ring.)

President Nick Hrebien: Oh? Nothing to say anymore Overtaker? You don’t seem so talkative now that all of Nemesis is out here.

(Nick gets in the ring and Nemesis stands around it serving as a blockade.)

President Nick Hrebien: I dared you to test me again, and I will say that you are a much braver man than I gave you credit for. But now it’s my turn to test YOUR authority, and I’m willing to bet that it’s not very strong.

(Nemesis begins to circle like animals hunting their prey.)

The Overtaker: So that’s what it’s going to come down too Nick?

(Overtaker looks around the outside of the ring at each member of Nemesis.)

The Overtaker: Alright. Fine, beat the hell out of me. Or at least try your best. But remember, even if you do take me down, if you do injure me to a point where I can never compete again, to where I could never walk again, I still have power Nick, the power to make things happen, whether it be banning your all from ringside, suspending you all…. or making you all compete.

President Nick Hrebien: What the hell do you mean?!

The Overtaker: IF Nemesis doesn’t stop all of this Nick, I have something much bigger in store for you and all your little buddies, and it’s already been approved by Brandon. So go ahead, beat the hell out of me, but when you find out what is to come, the match to end all matches. You will know that you put yourselves in that situation.

President Nick Hrebien: You’re bluffing!

The Overtaker: There’s only one way to find out Nick.

(He steps up right up in the President’s face.)

The Overtaker: HIT ME!

President Nick Hrebien: You…

(He hesitates.)

President Nick Hrebien: FUCK YOU!

(Hrebien delivers a right hand into the face of The Overtaker.)

Justin St. Johns: There it is! Nick has his hands on Overtaker!

(Overtaker retaliates with a bigger right hand to Hrebien knocking him off balance. He runs at the ropes and charges at the dazed Hrebien for a Clothesline From Heaven! But Kronic runs in the ring in front of the dazed president.)

Nikki Knox: Kottonmouth Kick! The Overtaker ran full force into that!

Justin St. Johns: And Nardie is going up top…

(Nardie hits the BME on his fallen former partner. Veesh and Ty pick up the fallen Overtaker by the command of Hrebien.)

Nikki Knox: And Hrebien wants Overtaker up! What is he going to do here! This is going to be bad!

Justin St. Johns: Wait! Look!

(Taker of Darkness runs down the ramp.)

Nikki Knox: The Intercontinental Champion! Looking to return Overtaker’s favor from X-Cage!

(ToD hits the ring and Hrebien and Kronic make quick exits. Nardie runs at his and ToD sends him over the top and to the floor. Veesh jumps off the top at the much larger man but is caught and thrown hard to the floor out of the ring!)

Justin St. Johns: It’s just ToD and the former Intercontinental Champ Ty Washington now!

(Taker of Darkness attacks Washington and drives him down with a HUGE Darkness Falls!)

Nikki Knox: And the messiah goes down! That rear naked choke slam!

(ToD tends to the fallen Overtaker and Nemesis slowly walk to the back.)

Justin St. Johns: Well Overtaker was saved here tonight and now it only remains to be seen if he follows through with his threats of bigger things!

Nikki Knox: Bigger and Badder things seem to loom in the future of Nemesis!

(The camera switches to the back with the AOW World Champion, The Guy.)

The Guy: Another week in the books…and another week with The Guy as AOW World Champion!

(The crowd cheers wildly.)

The Guy: Don’t get me wrong, I’m not taking this thing for granted, but damn does it feel good to have to carry this heavy belt around all across the world!

(The crowd cheers again.)

The Guy: Last week, at X-Cage, Greg Thomas and I put on a display that will never be forgotten in the annals of AOW history! The first ever X-Cage match in AOW history turned into just another W for The Guy. Like a freight train, I keep on rolling and tonight will be no different. Tonight is A Random Act! As we’ve seen so far, everyone is on pins and needles wondering just who we are standing tall against. Frankly, it doesn’t matter. Regardless of whether I’m taking on Marcus K. Yelder or Weapon X or Chaos Kid or Brandon Yelder himself…I will go out there. I will have this title on my shoulder. I will do this company proud as its champion and I will walk out victorious! Now wipe that shit out of your eye!

(As the crowd finishes the line, Greg Thomas, Donnie Turner, and Nick Diamond bulrush The Guy and start to kick and punch away at the champion! The crowd boos wildly as The Diamond Mine takes advantage of the unsuspecting World Champion!)

Nick Diamond: How’s this for A Random Act?

(Thomas kicks The Guy right in the ribs.)

Nick Diamond: Do it again!

(Thomas and Turner kick The Guy in the ribs.)

Nick Diamond: You thought you saw the last of us? Think again! The Diamond Mine won’t rest until “The Crown Jewel” is THE GUY here in AOW. Now wipe that shit out of your eye!

(The Diamond Mine spits on The Guy before walking out and leaving The Guy laying. The camera switches back to ringside.)

Flash (74) defeats Double Trouble (60), Chaos Kid (56), and “The Phenomenal” Jayson Young (40)

Justin St. Johns: Let's hope The Guy is okay...but congratulations to Flash! He's been quiet and on his own lately. If FIST has any chance against their war with Nemesis, they will need Flash to string showings like that together. He's not the first ever AOW World Champion for nothing.

Nikki Knox: So good for A Random Act!

(The camera switches backstage to Mike Warren inside the F.I.S.T. locker room with Michael Fletcher. Warren sits on the bench next to Fletcher.)

Mike Warren: Michael Fletcher, after all the hype of X Cage, you sit here without the AOW Pure Championship...

"The Hooligan" Michael Fletcher: No shit, Sherlock.

Mike Warren: As I was saying, thanks in part to your own team mates of F.I.S.T., surely that must cause dissension in the ranks?

"The Hooligan" Michael Fletcher: Stop talking bollocks and get to this week.

Mike Warren: Well, this week, everyone has random opponents, how do you prepare?

"The Hooligan" Michael Fletcher: The same way as always, at the end of the day I’m gonna put a hurting on some sorry bastard and that’s all I need to know. Whether it’s 1-on-1, tag team, 6 man tag, 8 man tag, as long as I hurt someone and win that’s all that matters this week.

Mike Warren: Okay. Do you have any comments regarding X-Cage and what happened?

"The Hooligan" Michael Fletcher: As a matter of fact I do, who didn’t get pinned in that match or tap out?

Mike Warren: Morgan McAllister, the new Pure Champion.

"The Hooligan" Michael Fletcher: Who else?

(Mike Warren shrugs his shoulders.)

"The Hooligan" Michael Fletcher: Me you wanker! Was I pinned? No! Did I tap? No!

Mike Warren: You was disqualified though as I said before thanks to F.I.S.T.

"The Hooligan" Michael Fletcher: Actually I was disqualified thanks to Justin St. Johns! He had the gall to say F.I.S.T had become a non issue, so we became an issue. We made a statement. Blame some lame ass commentator for what we did, don’t blame F.I.S.T. when we were clearly provoked. Anyway, Morgan McAllister, as we were the only two wrestlers in that match not to be pinned or tap, how about we find out who the better man is at the next pay-per-view? But just so you can’t get disqualified or counted out to keep the AOW Pure Championship, let’s make it a Manchester Street Fight. You can’t beat me but have you got the balls to try?

Mike Warren: There you have it, “The Hooligan” Michael Fletcher is confident for tonight, not appreciative of the commentary and issues a challenge that could have brutal consequences.

(The camera switches to ringside.)

PK Punk (74) defeats Weapon X (48) and “The Faceless Assassin” Enigma (34)

Nikki Knox: Triple Threat action smiles upon the Second City Sinner, PK Punk!

Justin St. Johns: In dominating fashion, Punk took care of Enigma and Weapon X!

Nikki Knox: Hopefully, "The Punker" can get back to championship form. He currently holds the record for longest championship reign in AOW history. I'm sure that he could do it again.

(“Alive” by POD starts playing as B.B. Blayze, still hurting from X-Cage, slowly walks towards the ring.)

Austin Hart: Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome, B.B. Blayze!

(Austin Hart helps open the ropes for Blayze to enter the ring and then Hart hands Blayze the microphone.)

B.B. Blayze: As you can easily see, I’m not exactly one hundred percent from the beating I received at X-Cage from Marcus K. Yelder.

(The crowd cheers from the mention of Marcus.)

B.B. Blayze: As many people saw, MKY and I had probably the bloodiest match in AOW history in the steel cage. First off, since I’m going to be getting a lot off of my chest, I would like to say something to our AOW World Champ, The Guy. Guy, I apologize for being an asshole. It was the jealousy of knowing that you became World Champ before I did that drove me nuts and I hope you can forgive me. That brings me to my next point. I would like Marcus K. Yelder to come to the ring.

(After a moment, Marcus K. Yelder comes down the ramp and enters the ring, glaring at Blayze.)

B.B. Blayze: Wait a second. Marcus, I’m not looking for another fight, not that either of us could beat the hell out of each other again. I actually have something important to say to you. Marcus, Mike Warren asked me if picking a fight with you was a mistake. After our cage match, I have come to the reality of thinking I probably was in over my head. Even though I got a big benefit of working some kick-ass matches with probably the greatest AOW World Champ in history, I didn’t accomplish very much. What I’m trying to say is that I let my anger and my frustrations completely consume me and drive me crazy…well crazier. Simply put, you are the better man and I’m completely sorry for what I put you through and I hope you can forgive me.

(Marcus thinks about it for a minutes, and then finally nods his head yes.)

B.B. Blayze: Thank you so much.

(Blayze and Yelder shake hands in the middle of the ring as the crowd cheers for both Yelder and Blayze. Suddenly, “Pussy Liqour” by Rob Zombie plays and on the AOW-Tron shows Terrell Yelder, sitting in his locker room.)

Terrell Yelder: What…is…this…CRAP! Is this entertaining? I don’t think so. What’s entertaining is the man before you on the screen. What’s entertaining is me kicking back and relaxing. What’s entertaining…to me…is the thought of shutting this little crybaby up. Blayze…do you really think people pack out arenas like this one to see you LOSE every big match you are in? I doubt it. What they do spend money for is the CHANCE to see me wrestle. I wrestle when I want to wrestle, and quite frankly, the idea of facing someone I don’t know didn’t quite sing to me. Blayze…hearing you cry gives me some motivation. And now that you are a little more soft and a lot less crazy, I think I want to show you the ruthlessness that my younger brother leaves out. You haven’t seen an asswhipping from a Yelder until you’ve faced me. And now that’s…ENTERTAINING!

(The camera switches back to ringside.)

Justin St. Johns: What an asshole! Terrell Yelder just ruined B.B. Blayze's heartfelt return to sanity!

Nikki Knox: I'm sure that the fans are happy about Blayze's relapse by to reality...but Terrell Yelder has never cared for sympathy and has never been one to turn down a great opportunity to rain on someone's parade.

"The Little People's Champion" Veesh Man (66) defeats AOW Intercontinental Champion Taker of Darkness (46)

Justin St. Johns: Our first champion makes his appearance but falls to the feet of "The Little People's Champion" Veesh Man!

Nikki Knox: Appears to me that a small dose of payback has been levied in the direction of Taker of Darkness by the powerful Team Nemesis!

(The camera switches backstage with Carolin and Marcus K. Yelder.)

Carolin: Marcus, I don’t understand. You were victorious at X-Cage. I know you aren’t feeling so good but we knew you would be banged up. Why are you so sad?

Marcus K. Yelder: Because.

Carolin: Because why?

Marcus K. Yelder: Because this sucks.

Carolin: I thought we liked Houston?

Marcus K. Yelder: No, it’s not that. The arena is great, the city is okay I suppose. It’s not San Antonio but it will do for a day or two.

Carolin: Well what’s the problem then?

Marcus K. Yelder: I won at X-Cage. I should be the number one contender. I have not lost since I’ve lost the belt. I want my belt back.

Carolin: I am sure in due time that you will get your shot.

Marcus K. Yelder: Rocky, there is no tomorrow! There is no tomorrow! There is no tomorrow! I want what I want when I want it and I want it now. I want my belt back! I need it! MKY needs to be champion! I go into X-Cage, I win, and I’m supposed to be number one contender. Then I get this email from Brandon about A Random Act and how no championships will be affected tonight. MKY gets screwed once again.

Carolin: I know but what can we do about it?

Marcus K. Yelder: You know what, maybe no championships will be affected tonight, but that doesn’t mean that no champions will affected.

(The camera switches back to ringside.)

Team Nemesis
[“The Messiah” Ty Washington (78) and “The Instant Classic” Big Bad Nardie (54)]

[Jacob “Ace” Davis (55) and “The Hooligan” Michael Fletcher (72)]

Nikki Knox: FIST and Nemesis square off again and like usual, Nemesis is victorious!

Justin St. Johns: Not by much though. You can see in FIST's eyes that they are ready and willing to fight and scratch to make this one sided conflict a full-on war!

Nikki Knox: Even though tonight is A Random Act, we still get some classic match-ups! And we still have more!

(The camera cuts to Brittany and B.B. Blayze backstage.)

Brittany: Blayze, earlier tonight you went to the ring and apologized to both The Guy and your opponent from X-Cage, Marcus K. Yelder. If you don’t mind my asking, why did you do that?

B.B. Blayze: It’s cool. I apologized earlier because I wanted to tell them both that I was honestly sorry. My anger and my jealousy did possess me and I’m grateful that Marcus forgave me, but I do hope that The Guy can forgive me.

Brittany: Now that you have cleared your conscience, where does B.B. Blayze go from here?

B.B. Blayze: I’m ready to continue on for more gold. I hope to finally get a shot at the World Title, but it doesn’t matter if it’s the World Title, or if it’s the newly brought back Pure Title, I’m here still to prove one thing and that is that B.B. Blayze is one of the best in the business and it’s only a matter of time before he’s champ again. I’m not pulling any punches.

Brittany: It seems to me like one of those people who doubt your level in this company is Terrell Yelder.

B.B. Blayze: Yeah, well Terrell can say what he wants but until he steps in the ring with me, he won’t know how entertaining I can be and how much of a pain I can be to him.

Brittany: Now on to tonight. You don’t know who your opponent is, but how do you prepare?

B.B. Blayze: Honestly, you just have to prepare for different techniques and just hope for the best.

Brittany: Later tonight, Blayze finds out who his opponent is; now let’s go back to ringside.

(The camera cuts back to ringside.)

AOW World Champion The Guy (84) defeats B.B. Blayze (62) and “The Gatekeeper” Donnie Turner (54)

Justin St. Johns: Triple threat action again and The Guy is impressive again!

Nikki Knox: Looks like that mild attack from The Diamond Mine was nothing that the AOW World Champion can't take on!

Justin St. Johns: Donnie Turner was definitely the object of The Guy's attack!

Nikki Knox: And up next is our main event, but first, a word from our AOW Pure Champion!

(The camera fades to the back where Mr. Macho is shining his new Pure Championship.)

"Mr. Macho" Morgan McAlister: How long did it take me? Four weeks? Five weeks? Regardless of the length, I have done what I said I would do the very first time I spoke here in the AOW. The only question is what next?

(Morgan goes and stands in front of the mirror and admires himself with the gold around his waist.)

"Mr. Macho" Morgan McAlister: People have been asking me what I can possible do next to improve my reign so far. These people are retarded, and should be kicked in the genital region just for asking such stupid fucking questions. I will continue to do exactly what I have been doing. Winning matches and humiliating my opponents. I suppose I could improve by beating up two people at one time? Perhaps I need to form some kind of army?

(Morgan looks up into the air to ponder the thought.)

"Mr. Macho" Morgan McAlister: I never did see the point in surrounding myself with a bunch of dudes. Needing greater numbers to win my fights. But alas, I look around here and all I see are people ganging up on people. Those Faggot members of “P.I.S.S.” tried destroying my title shot. They failed horribly like the queers they are, but they tried none the less. Perhaps I can improve my safety by adding a partner, an amigo, an alliance of sorts?

(Morgan snaps back to reality and throws the title over his shoulder.)

"Mr. Macho" Morgan McAlister: Regardless, I don't even know of anyone willing to do such a formation around here.

(He is now smiling with delight as he creates different poses in the mirror with the belt.)

"Mr. Macho" Morgan McAlister: So tonight we have A Random Act? Sounds like a good time. One thing that will not be random will be Quad running over whoever the President puts in front of him. I am saddened that I will not get a chance to defend this title. I look forward to all the cretins trying to take this away from me.

(Morgan turns and faces the camera.)

"Mr. Macho" Morgan McAlister: All you puke fans out there better get used to seeing me looking so pure. So golden. So fucking awesome that your feeble little brains can't even recognize how great I truly am. This title will stay right here with me until I decide that I don't want it anymore. And if anyone in the AOW wants to try and step up, come and get some of this. I am more than willing to show you all how inferior you are to the likes of Macho. Dig that shit!

(Morgan walks off camera and you hear him shouting as he makes his way towards the ring.)


(The camera pans to the side where we see Mike Warren standing in confusion and bewilderment.)

Mike Warren: Did he even see me standing here? Back to you guys.

Justin St. Johns: Morgan didn't even give Mike a chance to ask him anything.

Nikki Knox: Does it surprise you that he is oblivious to anyone else around him? I am surprised that he would even consider getting a partner.

Justin St. Johns: He is right though. Around here, it helps if you increase your size for the numbers game. But who would even attempt to get along with that guy?

(The camera switches backstage as PK Punk is heading down a stairwell towards the parking garage. Suddenly, Weapon X appears from behind Punk and THROWS HIM DOWN THE STAIRS!)

Nikki Knox: Oh my!

Justin St. Johns: That is unnecessary! We need EMT’s down there! NOW!

(Punk’s head bounces off the walls and the stairs before settling at the base. At the top of the stairs stands Weapon X, smiling at his handiwork.)

Weapon X: Who’s got the last laugh now? Suck on that, Punker.

(X walks away as the EMT’s rush to the scene while the camera switches to ringside.)

Justin St. Johns: What a vicious and unprovoked attack!

Nikki Knox: I know that losing is detrimental to your career…but these superstars are all in an exclusive fraternity. For one to just take someone’s livelihood in their hands and risk their career like that, it’s sickening!

Justin St. Johns: Hopefully we can regain our composure because our main event match is right now!

AOW Pure Champion “Mr. Macho” Morgan McAlister (92) defeats “The Hot Commodity” Marcus K. Yelder (84)

Justin St. Johns: Just like that...Marcus K. Yelder has been defeated thanks to AOW's Pure Champion, Morgan McAlister!

Nikki Knox: Some might put the AOW Pure Championship above a victory over MKY...but not me. Beating MKY has easily become Morgan McAlister's calling card!

Justin St. Johns: Look at what's happened to the men that have recently defeated MKY. The Guy has gone on to have a nice healthy run as the AOW World Champion. Now with McAlister, MKY has seemingly created another star that he will have to snuff out.

Nikki Knox: Not to discount anything, but MKY did have a gruesome match against B.B. Blayze at the last pay-per-view.

Justin St. Johns: Nikki...Marcus put on a championship quality match with Morgan McAlister...but that second rope Reverse Death Valley Driver, The Oh Yeah, did Marcus in. He's never seen Morgan before in the ring...but I'm sure that he'll never forget Mr. Macho!

Nikki Knox: And I'm sure that they will meet again!

Justin St. Johns: That's all the time we have for tonight guys! Check us out all the time on and find us on Facebook and Twitter!

Nikki Knox: Tonight has been A Random Act! See you all next week for AOW Live! Goodnight!